Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to buy any equipment?
You don’t need to buy any equipment, I will bring everything we need. However If you do have equipment at home such as free weights, cardio machines etc. I am happy to incorporate those into your programme.
How many times a week should I have PT sessions?
This depends on a number of factors; your budget/time constraints, ability to self-motivate when working independently, your starting level of fitness, familiarity with the different exercise techniques, your specific goals etc. I can work with you every day or just once a week, but as a general rule I would aim for a minimum of 2 sessions a week.
Can I bring a friend to the session?
I am happy to work with two people in a session so long as both participants are women and you have sufficient space to accommodate you working simultaneously. The session will be charged at time and a half, so your contracted hourly rate plus half of that fee.
Should I consider talking to my GP before starting?
It is always recommended that you consult with your GP before starting any new exercise programme. If you have any pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, ligament/tendon strain etc. you must have been signed off as fit to exercise before we commence.
How much space do I need?
The minimum space requirement would be a cleared floor area which is your height squared plus a little space either side (approximately 2x2m), with any rugs rolled up and placed outside the area. Clear access to a door that can be closed and used to rig a suspension harness (specially designed to use in this way) would be useful but not essential.
What if I need to cancel a session?
Sessions may be cancelled with no less than 24 hours’ notice given. Any sessions cancelled without 24 hours’ notice will be charged as a full session.
What if I’m running late?
If you are running late please contact me to let me know as soon as possible and provide an indication of how late you are running. Attempts will be made where possible to complete the full hour slot. However if my scheduling does not allow this, the session will run as allocated and will count as a full session.
Is there any age restriction?
The minimum age restriction is 18. There is no upper age limit so long as you have been cleared for exercise by your GP.
What areas do you operate within?
I operate in London with the majority of my travel completed via tube. So long as you are within reasonable distance of a tube station I should be able to accommodate you.
Do you do sessions in other locations? Park, workplace, local gym
I am happy to complete sessions at your place of work so long as the minimum space requirements are met. Sessions can be completed in your local park weather permitting. I am happy to complete sessions in your local gym so long as you have got permission from the Manager and the space/equipment can be used without additional charge.
What should I wear?
Wear something you are comfortable in that allows you to move freely; jogging bottoms/leggings and a T-shirt would be ideal. Trainers with suitable grip and support will also be required. You may find it useful to have a towel on hand as well. A sports bra or normal bra that fits well with good support is a strong recommendation for any type of exercise.
What should I eat before a session?
Try and ensure a 2 hour gap between your last meal and the start of our session. If you want to have something light for an energy boost just before the session, go for a simple carbohydrate that can be quickly absorbed such as a piece of ripe fruit. Ensure you are adequately hydrated with a glass/bottle of water on hand during the session.
How do you accept payment?
Payment can be made via cash or bank transfer (transfers need to be cleared prior to first session).
What if I am unable to redeem all sessions within the specified time frame?
Any sessions not redeemed within the specified time frame will still be counted and charged as full sessions.